Just a few reminders as we head into a busy fall season! My number one priority is keeping everyone safe this year, and here is my policy regarding illness and COVID-19. 

Please contact me ASAP if anyone in your family has recently been sick or is currently sick and showing ANY of these flu-like or COVID-19 symptoms:

Fever (ANY fever), chills, fatigue, cough, congestion, chest pain, nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of taste/smell, headache, sore throat, or allergy type symptoms.

We will get you rescheduled. Please do NOT show up with sick children, or if you are feeling under the weather. And for the love of God, I cannot believe I have to say this, but please don’t show up if you or any of your family members have tested positive for COVID-19. 

- If you or anyone in your household has recently been exposed to someone who is COVID positive, please let me know ASAP and we will reschedule. I’ve kept my schedule open and haven’t booked many new clients to leave room for reschedules if needed. 

- Please keep your distance. I am able to pose your family and child (with the help of you) from a safe distance. Parents, PLEASE DO NOT stand directly behind me or above me as I’m working with your child. I know this is pretty common for parents to want to do, but it is putting us both at unnecessary risk. We can work around needing to do this to get your child to smile and laugh easily and safely- I promise! 

- Don’t come to your session if anyone in your home is currently being quarantined. 

- Please don’t bring anyone along who isn’t being photographed

Things I am doing to protect you: 

- I will be rescheduling if anyone in my household meets any of the criteria mentioned above 

-I’m wearing a new mask for every session

-I’m sanitizing my equipment before and after every session 

- I am using hand sanitizer before, during, and after every session 

-I am keeping a safe distance 

- Mini sessions will be structured much differently this year with longer spaces between clients

-I am adhering to guidelines set forth by local government and the CDC  


 This is a very strange and scary time for everyone. This year has been a huge rollercoaster for all of us. 

 I am looking forward to seeing you all this fall and winter season, and I am absolutely certain we can get through this together 

